Dr William R. Miller, a retired professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of New Mexico. He has published more than 400 articles and scientific chapters and more than 40 books, including a groundbreaking work for the specialists "Motivating Dialogue". His most important scientific interest is psychology of change. In his work he focused mainly on developing and testing more effective methods of treating people with alcohol and drug problems. The Institute of Scientific Information describes him as one of the most frequently cited scientists in the world.
Dr Ricardo F. Muñoz is an outstanding professor of clinical psychology at Palo Alto University and a distinguished retired professor of psychology at the University of California, San Francisco. His main areas of research include addiction-related behavior, prevention and treatment of depression, and the effects of depression on the use of psychoactive substances. He has published more than 100 articles and chapters and several books, including "Control Your Depression" and "The Prevention of Depression.
Dr Patrick J. Carnes is the founder of the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP) and the Gentle Path Press, a leading publisher of books on sexholism. Dr. Carnes has developed many innovative therapeutic programs. With more than thirty years of experience in the field of sexholism addiction therapy, Dr. Carnes is an internationally recognized expert in the field. His achievements include a lifetime achievement award received from the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH), which currently awards "Carnes" prizes to distinguished researchers and clinicians dealing with sexual disorders. Dr. Carnes has published numerous articles and books on sexholism and has contributed to the world-renowned Kaplan and Sadock Psychiatry Manual.
Dr Kenneth M. Adams is a licensed psychologist with a clinical practice since 1981 and is the clinical director of the Sexual Health and Addiction Program, a comprehensive treatment program for sexholism and other sexual disorders. He is a recognized expert in the United States in the treatment of trauma and addictive sexual behavior. He is the author of numerous books and scientific publications.
Terrence Daryl Shulman
is a Detroit-based lawyer, therapist and consultant. He has been working in the field of addiction since 1990. In 1992 he started the C.A.S.A (Cleptomaniacs And Shoplifters Anonymous) group of Kleptomaniacs and Shoplifters Anonymous. C.A.S.A. is one of the few groups of this type.
Mr. Shulman is the founder and director of The Shulman Center for Compulsive Theft & Spending. He specializes in the treatment of shopaholism and overspending. He works with clients, meeting with them both face to face and over the phone/Skype. Previously he was involved in chemical addiction therapy and was director of an addiction treatment clinic.
He has appeared in numerous television programs, including Oprah, Prime Time Live, 48 Hours, Prime Time, Fox Files, Inside Edition, Extra!, Montel, The Today Show, The Early Show, Ricki Lake, Queen Latifah, CNN News, Fox Cable News, The Discovery Channel, Women's Entertainment TV, The Mike & Juliet Show, and local news programs.
He has written for many magazines and newspapers such as The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Detroit Free Press, The Detroit News, The Metro Times, Lifetime, Health, Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, TV Guide, Hour Magazine, O Magazine, Counselor Magazine, Addiction Professional and The Psychotherapy Networker.
Comprehensive book Internet addiction: prevention, diagnosis, therapy. A guide for therapists and doctors presents:
Dr Bryan E. Robinson is a retired professor at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, a member of the American Institute of Stress and a licensed private psychotherapist in Asheville, North Carolina. He has written more than thirty-five academic textbooks and self-help books, the latest of which is The Smart Guide to Managing Stress.
Dr. Robinson has published his research in more than a hundred academic journals. He is the recipient of a research achievement award from the American Advisory Society. For his pioneering research into the negative effects of workaholism, he was also awarded the First Citizens Bank Scientific Medal at the request of North Carolina University in Charlotte. He hosted the documentary film Overdoing It: When Work Becomes Your Life by PBS television and appeared in several TV programs, including 20/20, Good Morning America and World News Tonight by ABC television, NBC Nightly News and CBS Early Show.
Tian Po Oei, Professor at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, director of the CBT department of a private hospital in Toowong, Brisbane, Australia. He is also a lecturer at JCU University in Singapore and a member of the Australian Psychological Association (APS). Professor Oei is President of the Asian CBT Association (ACBTA).
Dr. Namrata Raylu, clinical psychologist, lecturer at Queensland University in Brisbane, Australia, member of the Australian Psychological Association and the Australian Association of Clinical Psychologists.
Professor Kathleen M. Caroll teaches clinical psychology at Yale University. She is the director of the Yale Psychotherapy Development Center and has written 300 publications, chapters and books. Her research focuses on the development and evaluation of behavioral and pharmacological therapies, with an emphasis on improving the effectiveness of addiction research.
Dr. Kimberly S. Young is an internationally renowned expert in the field of Internet addiction and online behaviour. In 1995, she founded the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery (Center for Internet Addiction Recovery), of which she is the director, and conducts workshops and conferences on the impact of Internet use. She is the author of Caught in the Net - the first book on Internet addiction, translated into six languages - and Tangled in the Web and Breaking Free of the Web: Catholics and Internet Addiction. She is a professor at St. Bonaventure University. She has published over 40 articles on the effects of Internet abuse. Her work has been noticed by the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines and TV stations. Dr. Young is known to readers of such magazines as "The New York Times", "The London Times", "USA Today", "Newsweek" and "Time", as well as viewers of CBS News, Fox News, "Good Morning America" and "ABC's World News Tonight". She has taught at several universities in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland. She serves on the editorial board of Cyber Psychology & Behavior and the International Journal of Cyber Crime and Criminal Justice. In 2001 and 2004, she received the Psychology in the Media award from the Pennsylvania Psychological Society, and in 2000. - Alumni Ambassador of the Year award for outstanding achievements from the University of Indiana in Pennsylvania.
Tian Po Oei, profesor na Uniwersytecie w Queensland, Brisbane w Australii, dyrektor oddziału CBT prywatnego szpitala w Toowong w Brisbane, w Australii. Jest również wykładowcą na Uniwersytecie JCU w Singapurze oraz członkiem Australijskiego Stowarzyszenia Psychologicznego (APS). Profesor Oei jest Prezydentem Azjatyckiego Stowarzyszenia CBT (ACBTA).
Dr. Namrata Raylu, psycholog kliniczny, wykładowca Uniwersytetu Queensland w Brisbane, Australia, członek Australijskiego Stowarzyszenia Psychologicznego oraz Australijskiego Stowarzyszenia Psychologów Klinicznych.
Profesor Kathleen M. Caroll wykłada psychologię kliniczną na Uniwersytecie w Yale. Jest dyrektorem Centrum Rozwoju Psychoterapii w Yale i autorką 300 publikacji, rozdziałów oraz książek. Jej prace badawcze skupiają się na rozwoju i ewaluacji terapii behawioralnych oraz farmakologicznych, z naciskiem na udoskonalenie skuteczności badań w zakresie uzależnień.
Dr Kimberly S. Young jest znaną na całym świecie ekspertką w dziedzinie uzależnienia od Internetu i zachowania w sieci. W 1995 r. założyła Centrum Terapii Uzależnienia od Internetu (Center for Internet Addiction Recovery), którego jest dyrektorką, prowadzi warsztaty i konferencje na temat wpływu korzystania z sieci. Jest autorką Caught in the Net – pierwszej książki dotyczącej uzależnienia od Internetu, przetłumaczonej na sześć języków – oraz publikacji Tangled in the Web i Breaking Free of the Web: Catholics and Internet Addiction. Jest profesorem na Uniwersytecie Św. Bonawentury. Opublikowała ponad 40 artykułów na temat skutków nadużywania Internetu. Jej praca została dostrzeżona przez redakcje gazet, magazynów i stacji telewizyjnych. Dr Young jest znana czytelnikom takich czasopism, jak „The New York Times”, „The London Times”, „USA Today”, „Newsweek” czy „Time”, a także widzom CBS News, Fox News, „Good Morning America” i „ABC’s World News Tonight”. Wykładała na kilkunastu uczelniach w Unii Europejskiej, Norwegii i Szwajcarii. Zasiada w zarządzie redakcyjnym „Cyber Psychology & Behavior” oraz „International Journal of Cyber Crime and Criminal Justice”. W 2001 i 2004 r. otrzymała nagrodę Psychology in the Media, przyznawaną przez Towarzystwo Psychologiczne Pensylwanii, a w 2000 r. – nagrodę Alumni Ambassador of the Year za wybitne osiągnięcia od Uniwersytetu Indiana w Pensylwanii.
Dr Bryan E. Robinson jest emerytowanym profesorem Uniwersytetu Karoliny Północnej w Charlotte, członkiem Amerykańskiego Instytutu Stresu i licencjonowanym psychoterapeutą prowadzącym prywatną praktykę w Asheville w stanie Karolina Północna. Napisał ponad trzydzieści pięć podręczników akademickich i książek poświęconych samopomocy, z których najnowsza nosi tytuł The Smart Guide to Managing Stress.
Dr Robinson opublikował wyniki swoich badań w ponad stu czasopismach akademickich. Jest laureatem nagrody za dokonania badawcze przyznawanej przez Amerykańskie Towarzystwo Doradcze. Za swoje pionierskie badania nad negatywnymi skutkami pracoholizmu został również odznaczony Medalem Naukowym First Citizens Bank przyznawanym na wniosek Uniwersytetu Karoliny Północnej w Charlotte. Był gospodarzem zrealizowanego przez telewizję PBS filmu dokumentalnego Overdoing It: When Work Becomes Your Life (Przepracowanie: gdy praca staje się całym życiem) i wystąpił w kilku programach telewizyjnych, m.in. 20/20, Good Morning America i World News Tonight telewizji ABC, NBC Nightly News oraz CBS Early Show.
Dr Patrick J. Carnes jest założycielem Międzynarodowego Instytutu Leczenia Traumy i Uzależnień International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP) i Gentle Path Press, wiodącego wydawnictwa książek o tematyce seksoholizmu. Dr Carnes opracował wiele nowatorskich programów terapeutycznych. Z ponad trzydziestoletnim doświadczeniem w dziedzinie terapii uzależnienia seksoholizmu, dr Carnes jest uznanym międzynarodowo ekspertem w tej dziedzinie. Jego osiągnięcia obejmują nagrodę za całokształt twórczości odebraną z rąk towarzystwa - Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH) , które obecnie przyznaje nagrody „Carnesa” nadawane zasłużonym badaczom i klinicystom zajmującym się problematyką zaburzeń seksualnych. Dr Carnes opublikował liczne artykuły i książki o tematyce seksoholizmu jak i również przyczynił się do powstania znanego na całym świecie Podręcznika do Psychiatrii Kaplan’a i Sadock’a.
Dr Kenneth M. Adams jest licencjonowanym psychologiem prowadzącym kliniczną praktykę od 1981 roku i dyrektorem klinicznym Programu Zdrowia Seksualnego i Uzależnień, wszechstronnego programu leczenia seksoholizmu i innych zaburzeń seksualnych. Jest uznanym w Stanach Zjednoczonych ekspertem w leczeniu traumy i nałogowych zachowań seksualnych. Jest autorem licznych książek i publikacji naukowych.
Dr William R. Miller, emerytowany profesor psychologii i psychiatrii na uniwersytecie w Nowym Meksyku. Opublikował ponad 400 artykułów i rozdziałów naukowych oraz ponad 40 książek, w tym przełomową pracę dla specjalistów „Dialog Motywujący”. Jego najważniejszym zainteresowaniem naukowym jest psychologia zmiany. W swojej pracy skupił się głównie na opracowywaniu i testowaniu skuteczniejszych metod leczenia osób z problemami alkoholowymi i narkotykowymi. Instytut Informacji Naukowych podaje go jako jednego z najczęściej cytowanych naukowców na świecie.
Dr Ricardo F. Muñoz jest wybitnym profesorem psychologii klinicznej w Palo Alto University oraz zasłużonym emerytowanym profesorem psychologii Uniwersytetu Kalifornijskiego w San Francisco. Jego główne obszary badań obejmują zachowania związane z uzależnieniem, zapobieganie i leczenie depresji, oraz wpływ depresji na stosowanie substancji psychoaktywnych. Opublikował ponad 100 artykułów i rozdziałów naukowych oraz kilka książek, w tym „Control Your Depression” i „The Prevention of Depression”.
Terrence Daryl Shulman pochodzi z Detroit, jest prawnikiem, terapeutą i konsultantem. Od 1990 roku pracuje w obszarze uzależnień. W 1992 roku dał początek grupie C.A.S.A (Cleptomaniacs And Shoplifters Anonymous) – Anonimowych Kleptomanów i Złodziejów Sklepowych. C.A.S.A jest jedną z niewielu grup tego typu.
Pan Shulman jest założycielem i dyrektorem The Shulman Center for Compulsive Theft & Spending. Specjalizuje się w terapii zakupoholizmu i nadmiernego wydawania pieniędzy. Pracuje z klientami, spotykając się z nimi zarówno twarzą w twarz, jak i za pośrednictwem telefonu/Skype’a. Poprzednio zajmował się terapią uzależnień chemicznych i był dyrektorem kliniki leczenia uzależnień.
Występował w licznych programach telewizyjnych, takich jak Oprah, Prime Time Live, 48 Hours, Prime Time, Fox Files, Inside Edition, Extra!, Montel, The Today Show, The Early Show, Ricki Lake, Queen Latifah, CNN News, Fox Cable News, The Discovery Channel, Women’s Entertainment TV, The Mike & Juliet Show, oraz lokalnych programach informacyjnych.
Pisał do wielu czasopism i gazet, takich jak The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Detroit Free Press, The Detroit News, The Metro Times, Lifetime, Health, Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, TV Guide, Hour Magazine, O Magazine, Counselor Magazine, Addiction Professional i The Psychotherapy Networker.
Wszechstronna książka Uzależnienie od Internetu: profilaktyka, diagnoza, terapia. Poradnik dla terapeutów i lekarzy przedstawia:
A guide for parents written by the world-famous expert in the prevention and treatment of Internet and modern technology addiction, Dr. Kimberly S. Young. The information presented in the guide has been translated into Polish and adapted to the Polish reality so that it can be used effectively. You will find here many tips, instructions and recommendations on the steps that should be taken to prevent and minimize problems that may arise from the use of PCs, tablets and smartphones by children. The guide also contains information on how and where to seek help if your child is having problems using modern technology.
Sex addiction. The Clinician's Guide is the first and comprehensive book on the clinical management of sex addiction. The editors of the book present a long-awaited text on how to approach the treatment of highly demanding sex addicted patients. The book is a great introduction for specialists with little experience as well as a useful reference tool for experienced clinicians. The co-authors of the book are pioneers of one of the last boundaries between addiction medicine and sexual disorder therapy.
With the growing awareness of sexholism as a problem and the advent of cybersexual compulsions, clinicians with little clinical or academic background are confronted with sexual compulsions. This is the first book to bring out the essence of the experience of the pioneers of this emerging area. Focusing on individual patient groups, the book is also a useful tool for solving problems. Clear, concise and filled with useful interventions, it contains a key text that every clinician working in the area of sexholism therapy must familiarize himself with.
Second edition of William Miller and Ricard Munoz's book "Drinking under Control". Although intended by the authors, it is a guide to self-limiting drinking, it can also be very useful for addiction therapists helping patients to reduce their alcohol consumption.
The publication contains not only advice, but also the results of research on the effectiveness of proposed drinking reduction strategies. It turns out that by working with this guide at home or following its guidelines with a therapist, it can be expected that more than 60% of people will achieve an improvement in their drinking pattern, including 24% who will choose abstinence.
Publication of Terrence Shulman, who specializes in the treatment of shopaholism and excessive spending. The publication contains stories of people who are shopaholics, analysis of the phenomenon, as well as exercises supporting in freeing themselves from the addiction of excessive shopping.
Dr Kimberly S. Young is an internationally renowned expert in the field of Internet addiction and online behaviour. In 1995, she established the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery, of which she is the director, and conducts workshops and conferences on the impact of online use. She is the author of Caught in the Net - the first book on Internet addiction, translated into six languages - and Tangled in the Web and Breaking Free of the Web: Catholics and Internet Addiction. She is a professor at St. Bonaventure University. She has published over 40 articles on the effects of Internet abuse. Her work has been noticed by the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines and TV stations. Dr. Young is known to readers of such magazines as "The New York Times", "The London Times", "USA Today", "Newsweek" and "Time", as well as viewers of CBS News, Fox News, "Good Morning America" and "ABC's World News Tonight". She has taught at several universities in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland. She serves on the editorial board of Cyber Psychology & Behavior and the International Journal of Cyber Crime and Criminal Justice. In 2001 and 2004, she received the Psychology in the Media award from the Pennsylvania Psychological Society, and in 2000. - Alumni Ambassador of the Year award for outstanding achievements from the University of Indiana in Pennsylvania.Dr Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu, PhD in clinical psychology with experience in conducting cognitive therapy of Internet addiction. He coordinates a program for Internet addicts at the Impulse Disorders Clinic in São Paulo. In this unit, a pioneering method of working with such patients has been developed. Since 2005, specialists from São Paulo have been running therapy sessions and counseling sessions for adults, teenagers and their relatives in Brazil and Latin America. He has written many scientific articles and seven books on mental health, psychotherapy and psychology, including Cognitive Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychiatric Disorders: Diagnostic and Interview for Health Professionals and Clinical Handbook for Impulse Control Disorders.
"Chained to the desk" is a metaphor for a painful job obsession that can haunt you even when you are away from your desk. It provides advice and support. It is a practical, step-by-step guide to help you notice and understand excessive work and start working more effectively while enjoying a stress-free life every day.Dr Robinson's book is based on hundreds of cases of people working and addicted to work based on his own clinical practice and years of research. The agony of overwork has grown even more, with a computer, smartphone or tablet allowing 24-hour access to the office, even on weekends or holidays. Adult workaholic children describe their childhood pain and the burden they carry, and workaholic spouses reveal isolation and loneliness in empty relationships. Employers and co-workers discuss the costs involved when workaholism dominates the workplace.
This publication by Tian Po Oei and Dr. Namrat Raylu is a handbook for therapists or doctors who treat people experiencing gambling problems. It provides practical information to help understand how problem gambling develops and maintains. It contains a number of psychotherapeutic and pharmacological strategies to change dysfunctional gambling behaviour and other co-occurring problems
The book is a publication of The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) from the United States Department of Health and Welfare, as part of the "Addiction Treatment Handbooks" series. The manuals present clear, helpful information to assist therapists, providing the best possible support that science currently has to offer. They describe scientifically supported therapeutic methods for the treatment of addiction and provide specific guidance on the content of sessions and how to use these methods. Cognitive behavioural skills training is a short-term, targeted approach to helping cocaine addicts to refrain from using cocaine and other stimulants.
The therapeutic model presented in the publication helps to identify situations where clients are likely to use cocaine, teaches to avoid using it when needed and implements more effective methods of dealing with a range of problems or problematic behaviour associated with substance abuse.
The World Health Organisation's guidelines on pharmacotherapy and psychosocial treatment for opioid addicts are based on systematic reviews of available literature and consultations with experts from different regions of the world. To date, no publications on this subject have been published in Poland. Therefore, their preparation is extremely important for specialists in Poland.
The guidelines are intended for people involved in the provision of opioid dependence pharmacotherapy at every level and are an important element used in national and regional treatment programmes. In addition, they are an important link for the groups that create guidelines for the therapeutic treatment of opioid addicts.
Take a look at our most important releases.
Most of them were published by order of government agencies.
Our team carried out tasks including: obtaining licenses and sub-licenses allowing for non-commercial publication in Poland, translations, proofreading, factual editorials (psychological, clinical), language editorials, printing and distribution of several dozen copies of books.
The books have been distributed to doctors, addiction counselors, psychotherapists and psychologists employed in hospitals, mental health centres and university libraries throughout the country.
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