Welcome to CBT4CBT™


We are exclusive distributor for Europe and the UK, of CBT4CBT™, which is digital therapeutics (DTx) software for substance use disorders -drugs and alcohol addictions.


What is CBT4CBT?


CBT4CBT, teaches cognitive and behavioral skills that can help people gain control over their use of drugs or alcohol. It is based on cognitive behavioral therapy.


Who developed CBT4CBT?



CBT4CBT was developed by a team of researchers and clinicians at Yale University led by Kathleen Carroll through a series of randomized clinical trials that established evidence and effectiveness. Support for the development and evaluation of CBT4CBT has been provided by a series of grants from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.


How does CBT4CBT work?


CBT4CBT is a self-guided web-based program (also for mobile devices) that uses movies and interactive exercises to teach the cognitive and behavioral. 


CBT4CBT is for anyone who is misusing drugs or alcohol and is currently enrolled in a clinical program or working with a licensed clinician. It is an adjunct to continued monitoring and/or treatment. Interested clinicians and treatment providers can connect with CBT4CBT through the CBT4CBT website. Once connected, clinicians receive a secure username and password for each patient.




There are a lot of apps and programs out there—CBT4CBT is different because it has been tested and validated in more randomized clinical trials than any other program for substance use disorders. Randomized clinical trials, the ‘gold standard’ of evidence of effectiveness, have demonstrated that CBT4CBT: 


  • is appropriate for a wide range of individuals, including those with comorbid mental health disorders;

  • improves substance use outcomes when added to standard treatment;

  • improves substance use outcomes when used alone (with regular clinician monitoring);

  • is more effective, durable, and costs less than standard outpatient counseling; and

  • effectively teaches the skills targeted.




Why offer CBT4CBT to your patients? SCIENCE MATTERS!

  • CBT4CBT makes it easy to deliver evidence-based care to your patients.
  • If you already provide CBT, CBT4CBT reinforces skills and provides extra opportunity for practice.
  • If you aren’t a CBT expert, CBT4CBT provides a potent dose of skill training, so it complements and extends other forms of treatment.
  • CBT4CBT encourages practice and mastery of skills in the real world.
  • Learning through movies and interactive exercises is highly engaging.
  • The clinician dashboard allows you to track and support patients progress through the program, quiz scores, and skill practice.



“CBT4CBT can extend the clinician’s reach and improve outcomes by replacing or supplementing clinician-delivered therapy.

CBT4CBT is a userfriendly, engaging, broadly accessible,

cost-effective means of providing access to empirically

validated cognitive behavioral therapy.”


- Dr. Kathleen Carroll, Founder of CBT4CBT





For more information contact:  mateusz@pario.pl



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